Monday, December 14, 2009

Saturday Night Live: Taylor Lautner Edition

Saturday Night Live: Taylor Lautner Edition
SNL’s been having one of its better seasons in recent years; a lot of the opening sketches have been clunkers, but the videos and Weekend Updates have been solid week-to-week, and there’ve been a number of really amusing, ridiculous writery sketches littered through the later parts of the episodes. Plus a full season without weekly [...]

SNL’s been having one of its better seasons in recent years; a lot of the opening sketches have been clunkers, but the videos and Weekend Updates have been solid week-to-week, and there’ve been a number of really amusing, ridiculous writery sketches littered through the later parts of the episodes. Plus a full season without weekly 17-minute election-related cold opens has been a welcome plus.

That said, this week’s Taylor Lautner episode was, much like January Jones’ a couple weeks ago, definitely an off-week. Lautner himself was fine, and there was nothing particularly painful about the Twilight references or his monologue, but the show as a whole just didn’t have a lot of high points, and I found myself leaning towards the fast-forward a bit more than usual.

As for highlights, I did enjoy this three-part ad campaign by the PGA Tour to retain interest in golf without Tiger Woods; it’s definitely a little long, but I imagine the third segment is exactly what’s going on at the PGA offices right now (seltzer!):

Thoughts on SNL: Lautner Edition? Leave ‘em in the comments.

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